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License & Pricing

Regular Lease
MP3 | ✓
Distributions | Unlimited
Free Downloads | Unlimited
Non-Profit Performances | Unlimited
Paid Performances | Unlimited
Music Videos | 1
Audio Streams | Unlimited
Video Streams | Unlimited
Broadcasting Rights | ✓
Radio Stations | Unlimited
You keep 100% of the profits generated from your YouTube channel ******** The profits earned from the broadcasting process will be shared in the music streaming platforms, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Tidal, YouTube, Soundcloud, Amazon Music and more! The division is as follows. %50 for the "(“Artist”)" %50 of the "Saeid al-Jizani (Producer)"
Premium Lease
MP3 | ✓
Distributions | Unlimited
Free Downloads | Unlimited
Non-Profit Performances | Unlimited
Paid Performances | Unlimited
Music Videos | 1
Audio Streams | Unlimited
Video Streams | Unlimited
Broadcasting Rights | ✓
Radio Stations | Unlimited
You keep 100% of the profits generated from your YouTube channel ******** The profits earned from the broadcasting process will be shared in the music streaming platforms, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Tidal, YouTube, Soundcloud, Amazon Music and more! The division is as follows. %80 for the "(“Artist”)" %20 of the "Saeid al-Jizani (Producer)"
License Details